So instead of flowers for Valentines Day I got a 4:45 am call from David that he was on his way home 2 flights earlier than expected... I will take that kinda of Valentines Day present anyday!!!
Thank goodness the house was good from having the FRG Ladies over the previous Friday for Bag making. And all the welcome home signs where already made.
So I had to do a quick pick up and hang the signs and we where pretty much ready for for his return.
The sign out front thanks to Buildasign. com which I highly recommend they make the vinyl signs for Military homecomings for free and you only have to pay for shipping which is great!!!
So I figured how many other places would I get a chance to have a snow pile this big enough to spray paint for a Welcome home lol.
There is a great blogger on Facebook for our unit and was there taking pics the night of Davids Welcome Home Ceremony which I am very thankful for since they where able to get some great pics of us as a family.