I just thought this was a cool pic. The white of course is the snow under the ash. I thought it would look more like snow falling and it just was not like that. The particals in the air are so fine you don't see them you can smell the sulfur in the air but you don't see it. Then all of a sudden when you look out the window the snow has this weird grey tint to it. All our pretty white perfect snow now looks just gross. Oh well atleast it is Alaska and we should be getting more snow soon lol.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Just another Saturday
Well anyway after that the boys both went down for a nap... Steven because he needed it and William because he was just not feel so great. I took the moment of peace to hang with the dogs or rather Marley outside since Meko is not into the outside lol. It was not so chilly and as you can see sooooo very bright out.She is so pretty!!!
Anybody that has dogs, you know that Kongs are the coolest dog toy out there. If you don't have dogs a Kong is a big hard rubber toy that you put treats into and they dogs have to work hard to get to the treat. Marley really liked hers even if it got all filled with snow.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Stevens New Ride
So to pacify him I let him push it all over the house.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Puppies and Volcanos Oh my!!
I got a call from David early this morning asking if we where okay. In my fog of sleep I was like of course why wouldn't we be. I then was informed by my husband who is half way around the world that the volcano here had errupted. After getting up and watching the news, I found out that the Mt. Redoubt had errupted not once but five times during the night and spewed ash all over the place. Thank goodness all the ash went north of us so it didn't effect us so much.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Meet the Newest Hagan
Meet Marley she is 4 mths old and a cutie as you can see she looks like a small German Shepard w/ something else mixed in because her chest is white. So far she is listen pretty good and already gets the concept of sit. She is hyper aware of what Steven is doing which makes me feel good. She likes to play in the snow and chewing on rawhides.
As you can see her paws are not very big and she is and she is only a little taller than Meko and of course somewhat heavier.
This is Meko watching Marley play and she just gave me this Mom what the heck have you done look. lol
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Having Fun
She's so pretty. But I got the okay to start looking for another, bigger dog so her world is soon to be turned upside down. Hopefully she will see this as a plus once she gets used to the idea of a puppy lol.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
1st Day we see more Sunlight then darkness
Along with that, Steven and I have started our new schedule of get up take William to school. Go to the community center where there is a playroom/cardio room in one, mom works out for a hour and Steven plays. Then we go over to the padded gym and Steven runs himself wild lol. Head over to the coffe shack (which there is one on every corner no joke). Head home eat a quick lunch and Steven goes down for a nap.... Yeah!!! Then it is about a hour a 1/2 to 2 hours of quict time and off to get Will from school and do the homework and end of the day stuff. Sounds like fun huh.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Playdate at our House
Come on Meko I will help you escape over the kiddy gate.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Indoor Playgrounds Rock
After that I took the kids to the indoor playground to wear them out. We all had a blast running around and the boys love climbing on the playset.
Well after we got home I caught Steven taking the nobes off one of the TV stands yet again so the Hagan Household has reinstated the Naughty Set you can see how much we like it at my house lol.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Just Hanging Out
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Will taking Steven & I's pic
Me taking Will & I's pic
Will w/ a big bear downtown